Dallas Judging Center Tri Center Seminar 2019

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Date(s) - 02/09/2019
8:30 am - 3:30 pm
Judging 11.30am Saturday
Set Up: NA

Host Society: Dallas Judging Center
Show Theme: Dendrobiums

Garland Senior Center

Show Contact Information: Tim Carr
Show Contact Telephone: (214) 755-3626
Show Contact Email: Attachments:

2019 Tri-Center Seminar

The 2019 Tri-Center Judging Workshop

Hosted by the Dallas Judging Center


DATE: February 9, 2019

The Dallas Judging Center is hosting the Tri-Center Workshop where we will spend the day concentrating on the genus Dendrobium.  The Workshop will highlight our three speakers: Fred Clarke, Peter Lin and Roy Tokunaga! See bios below.

Fred Clarke – Sunset Valley Orchids –

Fred Clarke has been growing orchids for since 1977 and has been hybridizing for 38 of those years. With over 36 years as a professional grower and manager in the horticultural industry, Fred applies these skills at his orchid nursery; Sunset Valley Orchids, located in San Diego, California.
He is a passionate orchid grower whose curiosity in orchids is broad and varied. Although developing Cattleya hybrids has been his sustaining interest, he is also actively creating new CatasetinaePaphiopedilum and Australian Dendrobium hybrids.
His pioneering work in Catasetum intergeneric breeding has led to the development of many notable hybrids, most recently the grex, Fredclarkeara After Dark, which produced “the blackest flower ever witnessed”.  The hybrid genus Fredclarkeara has received an amazing number of awards with a total of 17 FCC’s and 42 AM’s worldwide.
Fred is an internationally acclaimed speaker and travels extensively within USA, Canada, Mexico, Australia, New Zealand and South America.  He is an accredited American Orchid Society Judge in the Pacific South region. His plants have received hundreds of quality awards from the American Orchid Society.

Fred Clarke
Sunset Valley Orchids
1255 Navel Place
Vista, CA 92081

(760) 639-6255


Peter T. Lin – Diamond Orchids –

Peter started growing orchids over 35 years ago, but then stopped due to school and starting a career.  It wasn’t until about 14 years ago that the orchid “bug” came back and he is now heavily involved once again.  He is an accredited judge with the American Orchid Society and a hybridizer of mini-catts. He enjoys meeting with other orchid enthusiasts, and can often be found at various orchid shows and societies around the country.  He also has hundreds of photos of his orchids that he maintains on Flickr. You can view them by typing this address into the internet: http://www.flickr.com/photos/minicatt/collections/  Due to limited growing space, Peter likes to specialize in miniature orchids, both species and hybrids, and has received numerous AOS awards.  His other interests in orchids include DendrobiumsAngraecoids, and Neofinetias.  He maintains a collection of a thousand or more orchids at his home in Southern California in 3 small greenhouses, as well as in the house under fluorescent lights.

If attendees are interested, Peter will be taking preorders.  These preorders will receive a 10% discount. Attendees can review the current list of plants on his website:  www.diamondorchids.com.   There will also be an assortment of plants for sale.

Roy Tokunaga – H and R Orchids

Roy Tokunaga earned a Bachelors in Education from the University of Hawaii in 1973, with a major in teaching high school biology.  He never used that teaching certificate as he was immediately recruited by Ernest Iwanaga to set up an orchid lab, where he spent the next seven years primarily honing his skills at cloning and germinating orchids.  At about the same the time, Harry Akagi was growing bromeliads, and in 1981, together Harry and Roy established an orchid lab in Waimanalo, giving birth to H&R Nurseries. Today, Roy is credited with many years of experience in hybridization with several thousand hybrids delivered.  Most of his work has been in the Dendrobium and Cattleya alliances.  He is a long time member of the Honolulu Orchid Society and an accredited American Orchid Society judge since 1990.  Nora and Roy Tokunaga have two children, Lori and Kevin.

Roy Tokunaga may be reached at H&R Nurseries, 41-4202 Hihimanu Street, Waemanalo, Hawaii 96795; Fax: 808-259-5422; Phone: 808-259-9622

Submit your registration form online here or download, print and send your registration form from below!
Please send your Registration back as soon as you can so we can get a final count for the light breakfast and lunch.

We look forward to seeing you on February 9th.

The cost of the Workshop is ONLY $40 per person which includes a light breakfast, lunch, and the lectures.  The fun and networking is free!

LOCATION: Garland Senior Center, 600 West Avenue A, Garland TX 75040  (972) 205-2769. Ample parking provided at the Center free of charge. Map from Hotel to the Garland Senior Center is attached.

Manny Aybar, Chair (214) 934-9104 ma********@gm***.com

Tim Carr, Treasurer (214) 755-3626  tx****@ve*****.net


The 2019 Tri-Center Workshop Hosted by the Dallas Judging Center – February 2019

Dallas Judging Center Tri-Center Workshop Registration and Payment February 2019

Schedule of Events

Hotel Information. Any hotel in the Park Central Area of Dallas will work and will be close to the Judging Center.
