SWROGA Show Schedule of Events

The Shreveport Orchid Society



An Orchid Show and Sale
& SWROGA Meetings

Dates: Friday & Saturday, September 21 & 22, 2018

Places: Betty Virginia Park, Shreveport, Louisiana
& Southfield School, Shreveport, LA

Schedule of Events:

Friday, September 21,2018

9:00-5:00 Show and sales booth setup & orchid sales
9:00-5:00 Plant Entries

9:00-5:00 Silent Auction Open

6:00 P.M. SWROGA committee meetings
Southfield School

7:00 P.M. SWROGA Members Meeting
Southfield School

Saturday, September 22, 2018

8:00 A.M. Ribbon Judging (ribbon and AOS)

9:00 A.M. Sales open to public

11:00 A.M. Show opens to public (sooner if judging finished)
11:00 A.M. Silent Auction Open to Public

12:00 Noon Judges’ luncheon


1:00 P.M. AOS Center Judging

Southfield School

2:00-4:00 P.M. Lectures (Alan Koch, Gold Country Orchids)
        Southfield School

(Alan Koch is in demand around the world as an outstanding speaker and breeder of orchids.  He will speak on Miniature Cattleyas for a Warm Climate and on Understanding the Genus Paphiopedilum (with helpful hints on how to grow the various species.)


4:00 P.M. Silent Auction closes

5:00 P.M. Show and sales close

6:30 P.M.After-Show Social,

Home of Lena Parker, 8602 W. Wilderness Way, Shreveport, LA.

     Phone 318-868-4568